Preventative Maintenance (Statutory Testing)
Preventative Maintenance (Statutory Testing)
MSG offers a comprehensive scheduled preventative maintenance package. We conduct a wide range of scheduled testing to ensure our clients comply with current legislation in the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and to work within the Australian Standard (AS) requirements.
RCD Inspection & Testing
With regard to RCDs, also known as safety switches, current legislation requires “a person having control of a workplace, must provide where electricity is supplied to portable equipment through a fixed socket, protection against earth leakage current by means of RCDs and ensure that each RCD installed at the workplace is kept in a safe working condition and tested on a regular basis.”
Prior to RCD testing, MSG will undertake a survey to ensure the level of protection of a client’s premises meets the legislative requirements. If the survey determines the level of protection is not sufficient, in discussion with the client an installation program will be developed.
As required by legislation, regular testing is required to ensure an RCD’s continued effective operation.
MSG controls and monitors the inspection and testing requirements of clients, utilising industry specific maintenance scheduling software. Thus ensuring our client’s management complies with legal obligations with minimal effort.

Exit/Emergency Lighting Inspection & Testing
In order to comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA) exit signs must be installed on, above or adjacent to each door providing direct egress.
Emergency lighting, complying to AS2293, is to be provided for the safe movement of persons at work in the eventuality that an emergency arises and normal lighting is temporarily unavailable.
In accordance with AS2293 series, both exit signs and emergency lighting are required to be regularly tested on a six monthly basis.

Portable Equipment Inspection, Testing & Tagging
As required by the Occupational Safety & Health Act 1984(WA) and the Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994(WA), testing and tagging of portable equipment, in accordance with AS3760, meets the needs of WorkSafe’s requirement for a maintenance protocol. It ensures the safety of portable equipment thus ensuring the safety of staff, and employees. Testing and tagging in accordance with the standard has specific documentation requirements. The results of which act as an efficient and effective asset management tool.

Planned Lighting Inspections
MSG can provide routine lighting inspection and repair for warehouse and factory lighting, thus ensuring repairs and replacement costs are minimised. Regular maintenance ensures the employer’s duty of care for the safety of employees is maintained.

Thermographic Switchboard Surveys
Through routine inspection and maintenance of switchboards using thermographic technology, potential “hot-spots” can be identified. By being proactive the “hot-spots” can be repaired which prevents costly production shutdowns before they occur.